L$.T={};L$.T[ 'index' ] = ' Movie Zamlr
' ;L$.T[ 'source_add' ] = '

Movie files

Add and Confirm

DVDs and Blu-rays

Add and Confirm

Seen-only movies

Add and Confirm

Wish-list movies

Add and Confirm

Or import movies from an MS Excel file

Excel file format:

  • Only the first worksheet will be imported.
  • The first line must contain headers (case insensitive).
  • Mandatory headers are one of either 'Title', 'TMDB' or 'IMDB'.
  • Optional headers are 'Year' and 'Rating'.
  • Other lines must contain movie data, one movie per line.
  • The 'TMDB' and 'IMDB' columns must carry TMDB and IMDB IDs respectively.
  • The 'Rating' column must hold a number between 1 and 10, 10 being best.

Drop here


Search for new title

' ;L$.T[ 'source_suggests' ] = '{{#bConfirmedDupe}} {{/bConfirmedDupe}}{{#bUnconfirmedDupe}} {{/bUnconfirmedDupe}}{{^bSuggests}} {{#laSuggests}}

{{sTitle}} ({{nYear}})


{{#bDirector}} {{#alsTags}}
{{#director}} {{.}} {{/director}}
{{/alsTags}} {{/bDirector}}
{{#bCast}} {{#alsTags}}
{{#cast}} {{.}} {{/cast}}
{{/alsTags}} {{/bCast}}
{{#bGenre}} {{#alsTags}}
{{#genre}} {{.}} {{/genre}}
{{/alsTags}} {{/bGenre}}
{{/laSuggests}}' ;L$.T[ 'source_autocomplete' ] = '
' ;L$.T[ 'source_list' ] = '{{#lrecs}}
Moved to bottom: decide later
My rating:
TMDB rating:
Hard disk DVD/Blu-ray Seen-only Wish
Import row:
{{/sImport}} {{#file_path}}
{{file_sSize}} bytes
{{/file_path}} {{#file_ixMoviePart}}

The following file will be treated as part of the same movie. If it is not, separate it: Separate

{{file_sSisterSize}} bytes
{{/lrecs}}' ;L$.T[ 'source_filter' ] = '
' ;L$.T[ 'source_nav' ] = '{{#aNav}}{{/aNav}}' ;L$.T[ 'user_signup_confirm' ] = '

Finalizing registration

Verifying request...

Hi Zamlr {{username}}!

Welcome to Movie Zamlr!

This is the final step to complete your registration.

Log in to Zamlr

' ;L$.T[ 'user_login' ] = '

You have successfully changed your password

Please, login by entering your credentials below

{{/newPassword}} {{^newPassword}}

Sign in

' ;L$.T[ 'user_signup' ] = '

Sign up

Discover new movies for free

Sign up

Registration request processed

We have sent you an email with further instructions.

If you don't find our email please check your spam folder.

' ;L$.T[ 'user_menu' ] = '{{#oUser}}
{{/oUser}}' ;L$.T[ 'features' ] = '

Create your movie collection and compare it with others to discover what to watch next

Discover unseen movies you will love. Simply rate movies within your favorite genres and see what other zamlrs with similar opinions are rating highest.

Share your movie collection with friends and compare them. You'll know what movies you are missing.

Update your collection as easily as possible by monitoring your hard disks and zamling all the meta data automatically. Or by taking a picture of the barcode on your DVD cases?

Access your collection from everywhere: desktop PC, smartphone, tablet; Windows, Apple, Linux. Have your zamlings under your fingertips.

Follow a zamlr you are interested in and get notified as soon as she adds new items or ratings.

' ;L$.T[ 'user_password' ] = '

Reset your password

Enter the email address you use to sign in to Movie Zamlr

Request processed

We have sent you an email with further instructions.

If you don't find our email please check your spam folder.

' ;L$.T[ 'user_password_confirm' ] = '

Reset your password

Choose a new password and click continue

' ;L$.T[ 'message_box' ] = '


{{#lsLines}} {{.}}

' ;L$.T[ 'message' ] = '
' ;L$.T[ 'movie_list' ] = '{{#lrecs}}

{{sTitle}} ({{nYear}})

{{#bDirector}} {{#alsTags}}
{{#director}} {{.}} {{/director}}
{{/alsTags}} {{/bDirector}}
{{#bCast}} {{#alsTags}}
{{#cast}} {{.}} {{/cast}}
{{/alsTags}} {{/bCast}}
{{#bGenre}} {{#alsTags}}
{{#genre}} {{.}} {{/genre}}
{{/alsTags}} {{/bGenre}}
My rating:
TMDB rating:
Hard disk DVD/Blu-ray Seen-only Wish
{{/lrecs}}{{^lrecs}}Sorry, no movies match your search.{{/lrecs}}' ;L$.T[ 'movie_filter' ] = '

All Movies

Search your collection, your wish list and all movies you've only seen

My Collection

Search your collection

Seen-only Movies

Search movies you've seen

Wish List

Search your wish list

My rating TMDB rating
Search in
Movie files
Seen movies
Wish-list movies
Sorted by
' ;L$.T[ 'movie_nav' ] = '{{#aNav}}{{/aNav}}' ;L$.T[ 'menu' ] = '
Home All Movies Collection Seen only Wish list


Movie files DVD/Blu-ray discs Movies seen only Movies to wish list
' ;L$.T[ 'process' ] = '

' ;L$.T[ 'picker_list' ] = '{{#lrecs}}
{{sName}} ({{c}})
{{/lrecs}}' ;L$.T[ 'picker_tag' ] = '
' ;L$.T[ 'picker_nav' ] = '
asdfasdf{{#aNav}} {{#prev}} {{/prev}} {{^prev}} {{/prev}} {{#next}} {{/next}} {{^next}} {{/next}}{{/aNav}}{{^aNav}} {{/aNav}}
' ;L$.T[ 'cast_filter' ] = '

Include or exclude actors

' ;L$.T[ 'director_filter' ] = '

Include or exclude directors

' ;L$.T[ 'genre_filter' ] = '

Include or exclude genres

' ;L$.T[ 'header' ] = '

Movie Zamlr


' ;